Your website is served from the /yourdomain/ directory. If you are hosting more than one domain from your site then you will see directories corresponding to each of those domains.
You can use Internet Explorer, an FTP programme such as WS_FTP or CuteFTP, or your web site publishing software. Enter the site details when prompted by the programme. Use the Passive Mode transfer option if possible.
Do not attempt to delete system files such as .htaccess or files in the /yourdomain/cgi-bin/ subdirectory.
To upload using IE, type the following in the Address Bar: "ftp://User_ID@Host_Name/yourdomain/". You will be prompted for your Password. You will then be granted access, allowing you to drag files from your local computer to your website. The reliability of this method is uncertain.
Choose: File > Publish Web
In the Specify location box type: "ftp://Host_Name/yourdomain/"
You will be prompted for your User_ID and Password.
Files will then be copied from your PC to the remote site.
Do not allow FrontPage to attempt to delete any system files that already exist on the server (i.e. .htaccess, .htpasswd, /yourdomain/cgi-bin/*.*). To avoid annoying messages, create local files with matching names and select the option: "Exclude this file when publishing the rest of the web". An example directory with skeleton files can be found here.
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