Many of the services (marked *) described here require you, as an SMTP posting account holder, to authenticate yourself with the server. You will need a hostname, username and password to do this. Set up your e-mail programme to send mail using these details, which we will give you. You cannot use these services through your ISP's mail relay or via an internet mail portal.
Our server listens on ports: 25 & 587. Some ISPs (AOL for example) deny access to the standard SMTP port of 25. It is recommended that you always connect on port 587.
Optionally, you may employ SPF for e-mail validation. Further details on request.
To check your current quota useage, send a blank e-mail to*: , a report will be mailed back to you.
An e-mail message is distributed to a list of recipients, members of which can unsubscribe at will. You, and only you, the owner can post messages.
Lists can be either: open - anyone can subscribe; or private - subscribers are added manually. With either type, a subscriber can remove themselves from the list using a simple e-mail based procedure.
Send the message for distribution to*: post@<listname>.yourdomain. Deliveries will commence within one hour of posting.
Be sure to proof-read your messages!
With an open list, you must include a footer to every message like:
You may unsubscribe from this list at any time.
part is a placeholder which will be substituted
by the actual customised address when the posting is distributed (messages may also be in HTML, with a
Your posting will rejected if this placeholder is missing.
With an private list, you must include a footer either like the one above, or like this:
You may unsubscribe from this list at any time.
A text file (help.txt) is sent with the help@<listname> and subscribe@<listname> messages and should give some helpful information to potential subscribers. A second file (conf.txt) can optionally be sent with the message which asks a potential subscriber to confirm their subscription.
Key e-mail addresses:
Help: | help@<listname>.yourdomain | - | General help message for the list. Also on the web. |
Subscribe: | subscribe@<listname>.yourdomain | - | Subscribe address, confirmation requried. |
Unsubscribe: | unsubscribe@<listname>.yourdomain | - | General unsubscribe address, confirmation required. Alternatively subscribers may use the short-cut address at the foot of each posting. |
Submit*: | post@<listname>.yourdomain | - | Posting address. |
Information*: | info@<listname>.yourdomain | - | Information/statistics autoresponder. |
Add addresses*: | add@<listname>.yourdomain | - | Silently add all the message recipients to a private list (use this address as a BCC). |
Add addresses*: | confirm@<listname>.yourdomain | - | Invite all the message recipients to join a private list (use this address as a BCC). |
Delete addresses*: | del@<listname>.yourdomain | - | Silently remove all the message recipients from a list (use this address as a BCC). |
This facility must be set-up by ourselves before use. We moderate all postings.
Address examples using the tvScience Hosting News neswletter:
Help: | - | Help. Also on the web. | |
Subscribe: | - | Subscribe address. | |
Unsubscribe: | - | Unsubscribe address. |
The body of your message will be the new contents of a file for your website. This is useful for short-notice updates, to a news section for example.
Once we have set up the facility for you. E-mail the data to our server using the address*: filestore-<file>
Keep a template for the file and a backup of the previous contents.
Make sure you send the new content in plain-text format, not HTML (MS Outlook users please note) or as an attachment.
All headers including the Subject: are removed.
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