Search Engines.

Don't pay anyone to 'improve your searchengine ranking'. They are all charlatans in our opinion. Instead, include in your site full textual descriptions of your products or services. Create special 'text only' sections if necessary. This (the text content of your site) is the food that a searchengine feeds on! Pictures/flash animations etc. are useless, keywords (see below), help only a little. Check the site is searchengine-friendly by navigating with the Lynx text-only browser. Help for webmasters is also available from Google.

<meta name="description" content="Describe your page here. Briefly!">
<meta name="keywords" content="List, your, comma, delimited, keywords, here, not, too, many, mind">

Use the keywords section for foreign spellings, mis-spellings, etc. Do not simply repeat the text from your page. Search engine help pages often give useful tips.

<meta name="robots" content="noindex">

Place it in the <head> section. 

Alternatively create a robots.txt file, see the link below.


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