We recommend that companies consider registering additional variations on their company domain name:
Examples for Roger Tethis Ltd., a fictitious UK company:
http://www.roger-tethis.ltd.uk or http://www.rogertethis.ltd.uk
Hyphenated versions are more legible when printed on literature, advertising copy etc. A hyphen is the only punctuation allowed within a name. Numbers (0-9) can be used.
Non-hyphenated versions should be registered to allow the spoken version of your name to be given; i.e. when quoting the domain over the phone, in radio commercials etc.
An example from current practice is GO, the low cost airline. They have domains http://www.gofly.com and http://www.go-fly.com which point to the same site.
It is also worthwhile considering mis-spellings: http://www.maxtor.com are the computer hard-disk people; the domain: http://www.maxStor.com currently points to an on-line casino, very annoying for Maxtor's customers. It could easily point to a rival manufacturer...
Register the longform name of your company as well as a short version. For example: International Rectifier, a semi-conductor manufacturer use: http://www.internationalrectifier.com as well as the abbreviation: http://www.irf.com.
Registering extra variations effectively prevents rival companies from registering these names themselves, potentially saving a costly passing-off action in the UK courts.
Register names for your brands and trade marks. This protects them from abuse and promotes them within the Internet Community.
The 'ltd.uk' variations are less essential but is included for completeness.
You are permitted one version of this domain per company. You must be a limited
company to register the appropriate 'ltd.uk' domain. Similarly you must be a PLC
to register the corresponding 'plc.uk'.
The official rules governing the 'ltd.uk' and 'plc.uk' domains can be found at: http://www.nic.uk/rules/rup1.html.
See also, rules for the '.uk' domains: http://www.nic.uk/rules/rup2.html
Additional rules for the 'co.uk' domains can be found at: http://www.nic.uk/rules/rup3.html
All domains registered by us on your behalf will be in your name.
All domains can be re-directed to your 'master' site.
Details of our services, including pricing, can be found at: http://www.tv-science.co.uk/services/
These notes are intended for guidance only and have no legal authority.
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